These pictures was taken by my father in Japan during his visit.Beautiful?
What about this one?
For more beautiful flowers click below:


Naturegirl said…
Beautiful flowers!Lovely post. Nice to meet you!
NG ..a nature lover from Canada visiting the Arizona desert!
DeniseinVA said…
These are very lovely flowers that your father took. Thank you so much for sharing them with Today's Flowers.
Anonymous said…
These are all so pretty!
ayamlin said…
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog!
Oh, you're 14 years old!
you're so young!!
By the way is it warm already in your country?
in Japan it's still a little bit cold.
Mimi said…
Hi, Ayamlin, in my country at the moment a bit rainy. Sometimes the weather is hot in the afternoon, then it rain in the evening.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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