Cute Monkeys

Do you like monkeys? I like monkeys, they are beautiful.

These photos were captured last year at Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, a historic place. The monkeys looked so friendly, you can even touch them, but be careful, who knows. You can feed them with long beans which were sold by hawkers over there.

Aren't they sweet? Momma and blonde baby..

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Monica said…
This is my first time to participate and I'm in awe of all the animals I've been seeing. What a fun experience getting to see and photograph the monkeys.

Snap said…
Enjoyed your monkey photos ...especially mom and baby.
Tink *~*~* said…
That baby is just adorable :)

Happy Critturday!

Tink *~*~*
Critters on the Castle: Kaa
Unknown said…
They are very cute !!!

I really like the one with the Mum and baby ... very sweet :-)
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
Don't see too many unpenned monkeys here in the US. Great shots. Thanks.
Michele said…
Awww... the monkey is adorable! Great little post!!
Gayle said…
I think monkey's are very entertaining to watch.
The White House
Oskar said…
Very cute monkeys!
b13 said…
They are so close to us humans! But like any other animal you have to remember that they live on instinct and can be dangerous. That doesn't mean they are not cute though ;)
DeniseinVA said…
Such wonderful photos and these monkeys are so cute.
Manz said…
baby and mother are adorable together!

I like monkeys too :)
Tulip said…
what a cute monkey. happy easter!

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